Is Robotic Surgery Painful? What to Expect During the Procedure

Robotic surgery has become an increasingly popular option for many surgical procedures, but it can leave some people feeling uneasy about what to expect in terms of pain and discomfort. While robotic surgery generally involves a lower amount of overall pain than traditional open surgery, there is still potential for discomfort.


Before the procedure, patients may receive medication to help them relax and manage any anxieties they have about the procedure. This can make it easier for the patient to remain still during the surgery, as well as lessen any sensation of pain caused by the robotic arms or other instruments.


During the surgery itself, most people will feel some pressure but very little pain.  The robot arms used during the procedure are extremely precise and move very slowly, so there’s minimal tugging or other sensations that can cause discomfort. Patients may also be given intravenous anesthesia to help make them more comfortable throughout the procedure.


After a robotic surgery, patients may experience some soreness and minor bruising at the site of the incision. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medication if necessary. Patients may also experience some discomfort in their abdominal area due to the surgery, but this should dissipate over time as they heal.


In general, robotic surgery is much less painful than traditional open surgeries and has become an increasingly popular option for many procedures. With the right preparation and pain management techniques, patients can expect to have minimal discomfort during their procedure and a successful recover afterwards.